Videos Paul Walters Videos Paul Walters

Self-Differentiation: Knowing who you are as an individual and as an organization

What should you do next? How do you respond to an invitation or opportunity? How do you respond in a crisis? Knowing who you are and having a clear sense of identity and purpose makes responding far easier.

In system thinking, this is called self-differentiation. People who are not well self-differentiated tend to simply agree with the person in front of them. Trying to keep everyone happy all the time is a recipe for disaster.

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Videos Paul Walters Videos Paul Walters

Resiliency and Flexibility

It is easy to see the glass as half empty. These are challenging times. There is a path forward. Every organization has strengths and weaknesses. Too often, leadership focuses on what cannot happen, longing for the glory days of the past. Strong organizations cast a vision for the future, focusing on strengths and mission.

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Paul Walters Paul Walters

Responding to Anxiety

You cannot leave your worries at home, at work, or at church. Try as you might, anxiety is cumulative, and we bring it with us wherever we go. This means when interacting with people, they bring all that background with them. Responding, not reacting, is the key to healthy relationships.

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Mitzie Schafer Mitzie Schafer

Leading Through Storms: Session 2: Leading in Conflict

When conflict enters our organization, we must address it with a goal of reconciliation, and prioritizing the preservation our mission integrity. Conflict at any level has the potential to disrupt an organization, so how do we confront conflict, at all levels? How can we move conflict into collaboration? How do we handle conflict when is seems inevitable or unfixable? This session will discuss how we can best address conflict in our organizations. 

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Matthew Schultz Matthew Schultz

Leading Through Storms: Session 1-Leading in Crisis

When we experience unplanned crisis, stress and anxiety permeate the organization at all levels. Whatever causes the crisis (financial, disaster, failures, etc.), our response matters. How do we respond well, lead well, and recover well? This session will discuss some simple best practices to keep front of mind through any organizational crisis. 

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Mitzie Schafer Mitzie Schafer

Resiliency & Flexibility

It is easy to see the glass as half empty. These are challenging times. There is a path forward. Every organization has strengths and weaknesses. Too often, leadership focuses on what cannot happen, longing for the glory days of the past. Strong organizations cast a vision for the future, focusing on strengths and mission.

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Mitzie Schafer Mitzie Schafer

Responding to Anxiety

Anxiety is present in every system; the key is responding, not reacting. You cannot leave your worries at home, work, or church. Try as you might, anxiety is cumulative, and we bring it with us wherever we go. This means that when interacting with people, they bring all that background with them. Responding, not reacting, is the key to healthy relationships. 

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Evan Moilan Evan Moilan

Giving in the USA Report 2024

Are you feeling the pinch? Feeling the boom? Not sure why? Giving in the United States continues to change, and recognizing those changes can inform your strategy. 

In this session, GSB Partner Evan Moilan, CFRE, shares the latest national data from GivingUSA, released at the end of June.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Attributes of the Equipping Leader

GSB Partner, professional coach, and seasoned leader Nathan Swenson-Reinhold will discuss the attributes of an equipping leader who empowers organizations toward effectiveness, engagement, and joy. This is at the heart of a successful organization.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Strategic Planning Series

Strategic Plans don’t always have the best “reputation” in nonprofits and churches. Organizations often spend a lot of money developing them to have them sit on a shelf doing nothing.

Within organizations, some people naturally think and work strategically. Others thrive on knocking things off their to-do list. To-do lists are not the same as making crucial decisions that help guide the work of the organization toward common goals and objectives.

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Videos Pete Reuss Videos Pete Reuss

Special Appeals Series

A Special Appeal allows your organization to invite donors with a specific, timely, and important reason to consider an additional gift. New donors will appreciate the specificity of the request. Many of your regular donors will get excited about the appeal and take part. In this series, GSB Partner Pete Reuss walks through four steps fo special appeals.

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Paul Marsh Paul Marsh

Feasibility Studies - Are they really necessary

GSB always recommends a feasibility or pre-campaign study prior to a campaign. In this video, we discuss what a feasibility study is, what we learn from it, and how it sets the foundation for a successful campaign.

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Mitzie Schafer Mitzie Schafer

Recruiting Board and Council Members

Recruiting people to serve in leadership positions too often involves persistent badgering until people, who may not have the needed skill set, eventually give in and agree to serve.

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Videos Pete Reuss Videos Pete Reuss

Building an Annual Calendar for Generosity - Ending the Year Well

It’s easy for organizations to fall into the trap that inviting gifts only happens on specific dates on a calendar. For congregations, it’s typically in the fall. For other non-profits, it’s the end of the year. A solid year-round plan for generosity, building on an annual appeal and end-of-year, leads to lasting results.

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Videos Anne Rieck McFarland Videos Anne Rieck McFarland

Leading and Thriving During the Best and Worst of Times

Leading and thriving in a non-profit organization can be both rewarding and challenging, especially during times of success and times of uncertainty. Whether it is navigating through times of abundance or grappling with a crisis or adversity, non-profit leaders must possess the skills and qualities necessary to guide their organizations and establish a sustainable impact effectively.

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Nathan Swenson Reinhold Nathan Swenson Reinhold

The Equipping Leader

Learn to empower your team toward the effective execution of ministry goals. During Part 1 we will cover vision, recruitment, and training.

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