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Building an Annual Calendar for Generosity - Ending the Year Well
It’s easy for organizations to fall into the trap that inviting gifts only happens on specific dates on a calendar. For congregations, it’s typically in the fall. For other non-profits, it’s the end of the year. A solid year-round plan for generosity, building on an annual appeal and end-of-year, leads to lasting results.
Congregational Culture and Stewardship
When stewardship best practices lead to conflict and anxiety, something in the congregation’s culture around money is the cause. The Adaptive Leadership framework can provide a lens that leads to lasting change.
Biblical perspectives of fundraising
When talking about fundraising in a church or faith-based organization, we often hear, "This is the church. We shouldn't talk about fundraising. We're about faith!" Churches and faith based organizations can greatly benefit from the foundational principles of non-profit fundraising without sacrificing a good theology. When they dismiss these principles out of hand, they do it to their detriment. Utilizing the work of Henri Nouwen, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul, this roundtable will provide Biblical and theological connections between faith communities and fundraising. This frees churches and faith-based organizations to grow in generosity without sacrificing their core beliefs.