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Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers for Your Nonprofit or Church
Recruiting, stewarding and retaining volunteers is critical to a healthy nonprofit or ministry. Volunteers provide needed human resources, advocate for your mission in the community, and can become some of your most generous donors. Learn how to engage, encourage and excite volunteers for your organization.
The Value of Volunteers in Fundraising
No matter the size or complexity of the organization, volunteers are critical in fundraising efforts. You will network your way to new prospects and have different relationships when we can move to peer to peer fundraising.
Preparing Volunteers and Board Members for Major Gift Solicitations
One of the most successful methods to invite gifts in person is to ask a respected board member or other volunteer to join you during the donor visit. Proper preparation is essential for a motivational meeting, however. We will look at how to prepare your volunteer for the visit, and what that visit looks like.
Build an Ambassador Program to grow your social media footprint
Social media platforms can be an excellent tool to raise awareness about your organization with potential clients, employees, or donors. But with so many messages fighting for attention in our newsfeeds, how can you create traction with your posts – especially if you have a limited or nonexistent digital media budget? Establishing a team of social media ambassadors could be the right solution to help your organization build its social media footprint and reach a bigger audience. Join us to learn more about: The difference between an influencer and an ambassador Identifying and approaching potential partners Levels of formality and setting expectations of ambassadors Quality vs. quantity of social media content
Optimizing your Fundraising: Organizing People
You have your priorities, you have your plans… now what? It’s time to organize your people to realize those plans and achieve your priorities. Whether you’re a 1-person shop, working with volunteers, a congregation, or a complex organization, intentionally organizing people to play fulfilling roles in your plans is powerful in advancing your organization to new levels of achievement and mission potential. Once again, bring your real world situations for us to unpack together and leave empowered to take action.
Building new relationships with strategic partners
"We don't offer that here." Expanding services doesn't always mean adding more to your own organization's programs. Sometimes it's as easy as finding another organization who already has the knowledge, training, experience, facility, etc. to partner with you. In this way, both organizations can thrive. Many nonprofit organizations are seeing a growing need for partnerships to meet the needs of their service population. Building relationships with strategic partners can provide access to new services, new funding opportunities and, ultimately, provide better support from your organization. During this Roundtable, we'll look at ways to identify new partners in your work and discuss ways to cultivate those relationships.
Inspiring Volunteers
Once we have recruited volunteers, we must inspire them every time they walk through our doors so that they are effective advocates for our mission. Join us as we discuss how to provide ample orientation, continuing education and support so that our volunteers feel the appreciation they are due.
Volunteer Retention
Volunteers are crucial to our mission and ministry. Volunteers supplement our Human Resources and serve as our advocates in the community. Much like donors, we must make an effort to retain our volunteers. In this roundtable, we will discuss how volunteer recruitment sets the table for a successful volunteer relationship, as well as different methods to keep our volunteers engaged in our mission and ministry.
Building your annual gratitude plan
It is important to show gratitude to your donors. Do you have a system? Do you track how you say thanks? This session shows how to improve your gratitude plan.