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Building Momentum After Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday may serve as a primary giving day for some nonprofits. In order to capitalize on that momentum, you need a strong annual fund plan to keep that generosity going and build relationships with donors.
Fundraising Events
There’s a strong likelihood that your organization has some kind of fundraising event. From From auctions to golf outings, 5K races and fancy dinners, what’s the point of these events that soak up lots of time and energies while yielding modest financial return? Participation in events has shifted during the Covid era. Are fundraising events still worth doing? During this roundtable, we’ll talk about how to leverage events to strengthen your fundraising program and when to call it quits on a fundraising event.
Acquisition from your special event
When you have an event, acquire new donors should be a tangible outcome. Setting goals ahead of time and having a plan are critical in making this a useful part of your annual plan.
Day of Giving
Events take a lot of energy. Often the return on the investment is low. With a single Day of Giving event, instead of spending tons of money on venues, entertainment, and food - you spend your energy on building relationships with donors. You connect with them on a personal level and use the day to tell your story and ask for them to respond generously. Day of Giving events are an excellent way to foster recurring gifts. They don't "just happen" though. They take thought, intentionality, and volunteer coordination. In this roundtable we will break down the questions you need to ask yourself to determine if a Day of Giving will work for you and if so, what are the basic starting points for making it a reality.