Sample Appeal Letter: Spring Camp

Feelings of safety and belonging have been difficult to find during these last 12 months of the pandemic. Your generous gift to Camp Name helps make space for those feelings to return. As the staff and I begin to shift our focus and planning toward a new way to provide camp this summer, Vicar Sarah reminds us all that at camp, safety and belonging come through the community God gathers.

“Children are trying to figure out who they are, but in school they hear the pressures of who the world tells them they are supposed to be,” said Sarah. Sarah, a Camp Name camper all through her school years, returned to serve on summer staff from 2012-2016. “I remember as a kid thinking that at camp, I can be me. I can explore who I am and trust that God loves me for me.”

This message is counter to what the world tells children. The core of the camp experience is belonging. Camp creates a safe space for kids to figure out who they are as children of God. It is difficult to carry our faith outwardly in school or day to day life, but at camp, Sarah felt safe to talk about her faith. This helped her practice for when she returned to school and daily life outside of camp.

As we continue to navigate the realities of the pandemic, 90%??? of our revenue now comes from the generosity of camp friends like you. You have been a generous supporter of the ministry in the past, and your gift of $200, $100 or even $500 during this time will serve to create that sense of safety and belonging that campers so desperately need right now after all the isolation.  Thank you for your ongoing support.

With gratitdue,

Director Name

P.S. We are working to reach a goal of 150 monthly donors. You can become one of those by starting a recurring gift today at www._________________.


Campaigns: Telling Your Story


Campaigns: Funding Your Vision and Priorities