10 Commandments of Church Councils

  1. You shall be actively engaged in the worship life and ministry of the congregation.

  2. You shall share your opinions and perspectives freely and respectfully during meetings.

  3. You shall listen carefully to others.

  4. You shall do your best to manage your anxiety and remain calm.

  5. You shall commit to pray for the pastor, staff and other members of the council.

  6. You shall publicly support the decisions of the council.

  7. You shall invite other church members with concerns to bring those concerns directly to the council.

  8. You shall invite people to speak or write directly to the council and not bring anonymous concerns to the council.

  9. You shall be open to the bold and creative work of the Holy Spirit.

  10. You shall strive to be generous according to your means.


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Why Job Descriptions are Critical for Council members and how to create them