Build Your Fundraising Toolbox
With 250+ FREE Resources from the Consultants and GSB Fundraising
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With 250+ FREE Resources from the Consultants and GSB Fundraising
When we experience unplanned crisis, stress and anxiety permeate the organization at all levels. Whatever causes the crisis (financial, disaster, failures, etc.), our response matters. How do we respond well, lead well, and recover well? This session will discuss some simple best practices to keep front of mind through any organizational crisis.
It is easy to see the glass as half empty. These are challenging times. There is a path forward. Every organization has strengths and weaknesses. Too often, leadership focuses on what cannot happen, longing for the glory days of the past. Strong organizations cast a vision for the future, focusing on strengths and mission.
When conflict enters our organization, we must address it with a goal of reconciliation, and prioritizing the preservation our mission integrity. Conflict at any level has the potential to disrupt an organization, so how do we confront conflict, at all levels? How can we move conflict into collaboration? How do we handle conflict when is seems inevitable or unfixable? This session will discuss how we can best address conflict in our organizations.